Wednesday 7 October 2015


I am so excited to see your projects for the poetry unit, as you demonstrate learning and show off your explication and analysis skills!

Here are some tips and reminders as you put together your poetry projects:

- Follow the checklist I gave you with the project

- Make a list of your poetic devices for the appendix section following your 10 poems. So the 5 assigned and then the 5 of your choice should be the heading and under each device, you will list all the examples that you could find.

- After each example listed, put the poem name

Here's an example: ASSONANCE: The willows whispered in the wind - "Lady of Shalott"

"Seeping, creeping, the creatures avoid sleeping - "Imagination"

Remember for your 2 personal responses, you will just write "I" statements such as:

"I enjoyed this poem because...
"I cannot relate to this poem...
"I do relate to this poem...
" The mood or tone makes me feel...
"It reminds me of....."

For your Critical interpretation paragraphs, avoid colloquial language. Use transition words, and strong hook and thesis, and P.E.E (point, evidence, explanation) plus sophisticated language for higher marks!

Lastly, please please please DO NOT Copy and Paste the 2 poet biographies from the internet! This is plagiarism and will be dealt with severely including a mark of ZERO. Take the time to put the information that you get about the poet, into your own words,including awards received, date born and if passed away, themes they wrote about, and other accomplishments.

Due on FRIDAY OCT. 16th at the start of class, and please do not hesitate to email me with any questions as you complete your project! We will have a showcase of projects also for the class to share and walk around to see the hard work and creativity in these projects:)

Sunday 20 January 2013

Symbol Posters & Unit Test

I am excited to see everyone's Symbol posters tomorrow, and this is your chance to let your creativity shine through! Some reminders about this project which are already on your criteria sheet:

  • 3 quotes said BY the character you chose from LOTF
  • 3 quotes said ABOUT or TO this character
  • Write up which includes why you think this symbol is best representative of your character. Also include in your write up, the questions from one of the 4 domains: Leadership, Followership, Humankind and Society (or a combination of domains)
  • Original and creative symbol and neatness count:)
Posters are due right at the START of class, no last minute glue and cutting jobs, since we have to begin our Vocab & the Unit Test right away and you  need enough time to write these!!!

For the test, know the symbolism for objects, people etc. Also know the plot and character qualities of the boys. There will also be some quotes for you to identify the speaker such as "Didn't they care about the fire? What about the ship that had passed by?"  (Ralph).  Vocab quiz will be only words from chapters 6-12 plus a few of your OWN vocab words and definitions:)

Tuesday will be the in class essay, where you will have the class to write an essay about one topic from a list that will be given to you that day. I will give you some hints on Monday about possible topics and thesis ideas however.

Wednesday we start watching the Lord of the Flies movie:)  Thursday will be review for our English 11 final exam - and that will be on the last day of classes for this semester, Friday Jan.25th.

Lets focus and try your best on all activities this week, you have learned so much and this is your chance to showcase your learning!

This will be our last week of classes - its coming to an end so soon:(

Friday 11 January 2013

2 more weeks! Important info:)

Can you believe there are only 2 more weeks left of this semester? As exciting as semester 2 might be - This also means I will be saying goodbye to all of you soon:( 

We are now reading the last piece of literature in English 11 - Lord of the Flies by William Golding. This classic allegory gets better and better with each suspenseful chapter, as we realize the fine line between "civilized" people and "savages", as well as the evil dark-sided potential that we as humans posess.

Next week we will have our first vocab. quiz for Chapters 1-6, likely on Tuesday. Please go over all of your definitions for vocabulary that has been written on the board so far. ALSO remember that you get to choose 5 of your OWN vocab words (new/unfamiliar) ones to define and write on the test to portray your new gained vocabulary! 

Start thinking about symbolism as that is a major learning goal in this unit. Which characters stand for what? How would you portray them in the form of an artistic representation? (Symbol poster). More on this fun and creative project with criteria coming to you next week:)

We will finish the novel by the end of next week. The last week of classes will be devoted to the symbol poster, unit test, In class Essay and of course, watching the movie:)

Finally for those who need to make up missing assignment and tests, the last 2 days to do so are going to be WED and THURS. January 16 and 17th ONLY!  We will not have make up days the last week of classes so be prepared to come in next week for your only and last chance to make up missing work and hand in for marks!!!

FINAL EXAM for ENG.11 is on Friday JAN. 25.

Have a great weekend and see you all Monday!

Thursday 22 November 2012

Macbeth finished & Interim Reports!

Yes - literally Macbeth was finished in Shakespeare's play, as his greedy reign came crashing down to a tragic end....but now our English 11 Macbeth unit is finished too!

Generally, I was very impressed with the effort that was put forth in the performances today! You have all experienced the difficulty of interpreting a script, memorizing lines, and/or translating to a more modern version, but you seemed to have fun the whole time:) Imagine how real actors must have to memorize and rehearse for weeks and months when they are filming movies!??!
Some very creative plays today, and the audience was engaged, which means success! You should all be proud of yourselves for the hours of effort, tweaking and improving, and acting that you demonstrated today:)

For tomorrow we will begin the movie (new version) of Macbeth, so that you can view it in a hollywood movie version. So enjoy a couple of days of seeing the play that you have studied for a month, depicted on a screen:)

We will begin Short Stories and Media next week!

Your interim report card comments and Work Habits have been entered also, which will reflect your effort and achievements currently in English 11.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

MACBETH UNIT TEST & Performances

We are finished reading the famous Macbeth play! Great work to all those who participated so fully in dramatic readings and mini performances! Today's talk show panels were hilarious:)

As promised in class, here are some HINTS for your Macbeth unit test tomorrow! It is mostly multiple choice and True/False, with a few short answer. You will be starting the in-class essay outline tomorrow after the test, and writing the essay IN CLASS on Friday


1) Know all the characters - major and minor, such as Lennox, Ross, Doctor, and Porter.

2) Know the chronological order of events, such as battle scenes, and titles awarded to Macbeth

3) Know what Macbeth was at the beginning of the play - (Answer: A successful general)

4) Differentiate between the two brothers Malcom and Donalbain

5) SOME quotes include: " My hand are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white"
- "Where we are, there's daggers in men's smiles"
- "It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood"
- "Most royal sir, Fleance is scap'd"

6) Review the terminology from the start of this unit, such as Exposition, Exciting force, Climax, Catastrophe, and the different between concealment, aside and soliloquy.

An excellent idea to also go over and review ALL the quizzes from each Act which have been handed back to you:) GOOD LUCK!

*** Also PLEASE Start thinking about which scene(s) from Macbeth you and your group members would like to re-enact this weekend...and I will be giving your the criteria for performances on Monday! Also a reminder that Mrs. Crosby will be visiting our class on Monday to guide us through Acting 101 tips for you to have the best performances possible:) ****

Monday 29 October 2012

New Marks & Missing work!

I have posted updated marks in class, so that you can see how you have done on assignments and quizzes/projects. Also for those of you  missing work, you will need to come into my class on Wednesday or Thursday at lunch to make up those quizzes and assignments.

Here are some things that you may be missing:

1) Intro to Shakespeare Quiz - based on the notes given on the overhead first day of the Macbeth unit    /20 marks

2) ACT 1 QUIZ     /19 marks

3) ACT 2 QUIZ    /24 marks

4) LETTER to a friend, pretending to be Lady Macbeth's servant. Tell of the strange things that are happening lately in the castle and how Lady M. is behaving.      /16 marks

5) CHARACTER PARAGRAPH:  Choose one character and write a well developed paragraph about them, using the character Map and the character Qualities handouts.       /24

Please keep up to date with your assignments to avoid a failing mark, otherwise you will need extra help in the way of study hall, which can be beneficial to helping you complete missing work.  As always, you are welcome to see me every Wed and Thurs. at lunch, during the make up days for extra help to catch up:)

Thursday 18 October 2012

MACBETH! Act 1 quiz Monday:)

Now that our poetry unit is complete, we have a strong foundation to find poetic devices and terms in Macbeth...which is in essence, not just a play but one big long poem itself!

Act 1 has brought us an understanding of the characters and setting, as well as given us some things to look forward to as we begin the rising action of the play.

Please remember to finish completing the Act 1 crossword, and questions to better understand the events that have just transpired in the play. Of course these will help you prepare for the ACT 1 quiz on Monday too. Here are some hints:

- know the names and titles of the royalty introduced
- who was the battle against in the opening scenes, 1.2?
- names of King Duncan's sons
- heir to the throne
- witches prophecies so far to Macbeth and Banquo
- ironic passages so far?

Enjoy the long weekend and see you all Monday!